The homebody method






The homebody methodology was created after 15 years of studying, practicing, teaching, and participating in movement, healing, spiritual, and philosophical communities and conversations.

Mallorie’s academic and movement journeys began side-by-side, as she simultaneously studied psychology and education in university, alongside learning to practice and teach yoga in Edmonton, British Colombia, and India. Mallorie was simultaneously an elementary school teacher and a yoga teacher while her exploration of the spiritual sciences developed. After several years, she began teaching in yoga teacher trainings in Edmonton, Costa Rica and India. She did this for five years, as well as began to specialize in women’s movement education and transformational experiences; however, her life took a turn and she then spent a few years in deep study and contemplation as to the true meaning of healing. This was the turning point in Mallorie’s education and teaching practice, and why she shares the trajectory of her journey with you. Mallorie has observed and studied healing and transformation from so many different angles and perspectives, yet it wasn’t until she started her education in trauma, physiology (the nervous system and more), inspired by her role as a single parent, guardian and advocate for two young adults, that she was able to amalgamate movement, body/mind systems and universal law in ways she rarely sees connected in healing systems.

Understanding the mind requires understanding the body and vice versa. And true transformation requires understanding of our bio-psycho-social environments (society and its impact on our mind and body), paradigmatic influences (how we see the world and what influences our perspectives), and a genuinely clear look at universal principles (not just white-washed manifestation pejoratives, but a true understanding of HOW we create and influence our own lives). This trifecta of perspectives, alongside a precise amalgamation of science and the spiritual ensures a rich, multi-faceted, reliable method of support, healing and transformation.

This method is for you. Your healing, your transformation, your life. Your career, your desire to help others and change the world.

It’s all here, and all the missing links found in one-tiered methods are addressed and ameliorated with careful, scientific and pragmatic ways of knowing.

our Method explained



Combining the science of trauma and psycho-neuro-immuno-endocrinology (psychophysiology) and what the spiritual, mathematician and scientific masters have taught us throughout time, culture and corner of the world (where we come from, what we’re made of, and who we are), you learn the method of true healing. Oscillations of anxiety and depression, deep grief, chronic pain, aspects of illness, challenging relationship dynamics, destructive and confusing cycles and patterns … these are all addressed using precise, holistic and accessible tools such as education, movement, and exploration of thought, norm and perspective.



In our transform methodology, we coalesce our HEAL practices alongside meditations, somatic imaginings, paradigmatic shifts, and the anatomy of illness and wellness to offer the foundation, support and trajectory required for absolute (dare we say QUANTUM) shifts.

Having practiced and applied this method in our own lives and for hundreds of others, we can say that this isn’t the ‘easy’ way (no quick fixes - radically un-doing the psych can take time), BUT it is the sustainable, all-encompassing, life -changing, WHOLE healing method missing in so many healing systems.



Our create methodology was inspired by feeling tired of the old manifestation conversation. Manifestation (which we call MATERIALIZATION) is a system, there is a clear method to this science and universal law that is missing from the spiritual diaspora.

We have studied, learned, applied and taught this method in ways that offer the most life-changing, hands-in-the-clay, exciting and REAL materializations for all. Because we know the science behind quantum shifts, as well as the intersections of materialization and the collective, questions of oppression and social justice, and the impact of generational trauma, we can appropriately hold, heal and address these intersections with knowledge and support - allowing you to heal, transform AND create without feeling harmed, gas-lit, misunderstood, or blind to the reality of so much of the collective.

To create a life you desire IS possible AND you can do it while also being a kind, interactive, genuine advocate for the collective. In fact, we believe that true quantum shifts go hand-in-hand with mutual aid initiatives and remembering all for who we truly are.