About Homebody.


+ Somatics
+ Psycho-physiology
+ Embodiment

+ The science of wellness (and the science of pain)
+ Mysticism
+ An intersectional teaching space

+ Philosophy
+ The quantum
+ Social justice

At homebody, we offer comprehensive + multi-faceted education for anyone experiencing emotional, mental and physical pain + addiction, for seekers desiring to transform difficult cycles, as support to therapists, body workers, healers and educators, and for deep thinkers wanting to understand the creative principles of our existence.


Who we are

Mallorie | prem

Content creation and lead facilitator


Hi! I am so happy you’ve found Homebody.

For the past 16 years I have studied psychology, education (specialized Waldorf education), yoga, mysticism + philosophy, movement education, therapeutic modalities such as Compassionate Inquiry (Gabor Maté) and Somatic Experiencing (Peter Levine). I have spent more than 1000 hours studying in the Himalayas, and many more in study of the Quantum and the direct application of this knowledge within my daily life.

Through more than a decade of teaching in ‘love and light’ communities, teaching more than 1000 movement and spiritual practitioners, I have found that all too often true but misunderstood philosophies can be more harmful than helpful. Yet it took a journey of single + adoptive parenting alongside much experience of and with trauma that catalyzed my deep desire to put all facets of my knowledge and experience together to offer detailed and INFORMED healing practices. No more roadblocks because of misguided advice and gas-lighty spiritualisms!

My journey as a(n):

  • Yoga teacher

  • Master/ Registered Somatic Movement Educator and Therapist (MSME/MSMT/RSMET)

  • Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy Practitioner

  • Somatic Experiencing Practitioner

  • Elementary (and Waldorf) school teacher,

  • Spiritual educator

  • Trauma educator

  • Foster + adoptive parent

  • Entrepreneur;

all coalesced into a complex understanding of the intersections between our world + social systems, our body + brain, and the greater quantum field (‘space’) of our universe. Indeed, there is a science to mysticism, a validity + precision to transformation. There is still some work involved, but you will understand the ‘why’ behind every practice, every lecture, every invitation.

My personal experience with actively reversing a Multiple Sclerosis diagnosis has offered the momentum to comprehend and apply somatic experiencing and Clinical Somatics in a new way. It has catalyzed me to dive head first into gene theory and the science of epigenetics, functional medicine, and the anatomy of pain and illness (and thus the anatomy of healing and wellness). I have been on this journey myself, transforming every facet of my inner and outer experience, and it is a great gift to walk with others as they heal, transform and create.

It is my intention to offer content that is always clear, authentic and of the most service to humanity. Utilizing daily practices and analyzing the ways in which Spiritual Laws meet and co-create with current social structures, I am passionate about amalgamating the alchemical and the pragmatic, the metaphysical with social justice, and spiritual awakening alongside the upliftment of those living in marginalized circumstances. 



community Support + Operations


Christine is Homebody’s Community Support and helps ensure your experiences with us are easeful. She is on the other end of the ‘contact us’ button and is always happy to answer any questions you may have :)

Christine has had an established yoga practice for the past 15 years and is always interested in talking about how our relationship to practice may change over time, especially how things shift when a trauma or physiology informed approach is taken. Having struggled for years with understanding her own mental health, Christine believes that telling the truth about who we are is one of the most powerful ways to break through stigma. She will hold space to explore what that could look like for you, be it through writing, painting, voice, or movement.

She has degrees in both conservation biology and political ecology, and is always up for talking about the flora and fauna that surrounds us as well as how environmental politics are shaped by and shape the systems we live in. Christine has worked in the public sector, in the realm of Indigenous services/relations, for the past six years, and grapples daily with systems that have historically harmed and failed, while also having the honour of witnessing joy and healing. Keeping one foot in what is, while also holding all that is possible, is a daily and lifelong practice.

Above all else, I believe in living well, experiencing this world fully, and healing at a personal level in order to impact the collective.

Christine deeply believes that wellness spaces must be accessible for all. And that attending to the reality of what is, while actively working toward new possibilities, is the only way that we can begin to shift systems of care/wellness that are currently inaccessible and often harmful.

She has engaged in many trainings, courses, and workshops over the past 15 years, and the experience of community and the work on her nervous system and relationship to self have always been the most impactful and meaningful aspects. She is honoured to be a part of your journey.




We have a group of co-facilitators that support on various courses and trainings who all offer mind-blowing content and supportive practices to assist in integrating this work.

You can find our current list of co-facilitators HERE.

If you would like to contribute to a series or have yourself and your work featured in our monthly newsletter, please contact us.


Education | Certification | Training


Brain, body, being Somatic facilitation certification

Our year-long certification, mentorship + professional facilitation program, through which you will become trained as a practitioner and coach of the Brain Body Being Method of Transformation. This will enable you to facilitate experiences for individuals and groups experiencing illness, chronic pain, addiction, and anyone else in support roles or desiring to personally or collectively shift.

Courses, Mentorships And embodiment Series

Every year we offer one- and three- month journeys to explore our methodology personally and with pre-requisite certification.

Our Burn It Down certification course is a personally transformative 3-month exploration of psycho-physiology education and embodiment practices with a social justice paradigm.

We also offer a number of shorter series, such as Somatic Dreaming, teaching practitioners the theory of subconscious imprinting alongside somatic (specifically nervous system) support and healing.


Movement Education and TEACHER Trainings

Our teacher trainings take an entirely different approach, integrating a comprehensive education of psycho-physiology and trauma-informed care, amalgamating science + philosophy, mysticism, somatics, and movement, and radically transforming leadership.

Our trainings ensure the highest quality facilitators, deeply aware of the micro and macro ‘why’ behind every practice, and offering authentic and sustainable transformative and healing experiences.

The lineage of somatics

We would like to acknowledge here the lineage of the work that we do, as well as the specific lineage of my training.

If you were to look up the history of somatics and trauma healing, you will find the names Thomas Hanna (who coined the term ‘somatics’) and Moshe Feldenkrais (creator of the Feldenkrais method), Peter Levine (a brilliant therapist and creator of Somatic Experiencing), Bessel Van Der Kolk, Gabor Matè, and the many more names of primarily white male therapists/psychologists, sometimes neurologists - you get the gist. I have been a student of Gabor Matè’s Compassionate Inquiry training and Peter Levine’s Somatic Experiencing training - both of which deeply inform my perspective and support my understanding of movement, trauma, my own life, and the collective. I am so grateful.

AND, most of what we now call ‘somatics’ was known, practiced and taught by Indigenous communities and mystic/spiritual practitioners from around the world. Honouring an embodied and aware experience wasn’t a field of study, it just was. It was paradigm, perspective, the way of being.

Industrialism and colonialism all but destroyed this way of being, until the western world went ‘eureka!’, being aware of your bio-psycho-social environment is imperative to a life well lived! Indeed, it is not a good idea to be a talking head, burnt out and chasing an external, media-driven carrot! Meanwhile Indigenous communities, South Asian yogic practitioners, Qi Gong masters - the list could go on - are watching on as the western scientific world is ‘legitimizing’ that which is ancient, and was forbidden to teach and practice for at least 150 years.

My lineage of learning is a combination of the mystics, the yogis, the spirituals, and the scientific resurgence, the naming and practice of ancient knowledge. And because of my privilege, I have afforded the opportunity and experience to study with prominent teachers, and travel around the world to learn from the masters.

I have contemplated my place in this work, and have concluded that it would not be ‘the answer’ to not share the knowledge and wisdom of transformation and healing. That being said, the imperativeness of acknowledging and repairing the white-washing of somatics, embodied-living and awakened creation (manifestation) practices remains at the forefront of our work at Homebody.

We feel it would be not be appropriate to list all the ways in which we are in reparation, as it is a daily, embodied reality in our business. It is in every training, 1:1 interaction, and creative process that we consider how we are reversing the appropriative hierarchy that exists in the world of somatics. Nevertheless, we wish to be transparent. If you have any questions as to how we are embodying this acknowledgement, please contact us. We would love to hear from you.

I would like now to acknowledge my first spiritual, movement and yoga teacher, Yogrishi Vishvketu - it is because his openness in sharing the transformative practice of yoga that my whole world turned upside-down and my heart turned towards Creation. Namaste, Guru-ji.