A three-day business mastermind with Mallorie Buoy and Usha Anandi

July 8 - 10, 2022

Join us for a business training unlike any other. In just three days, you will learn how to create a thriving business that also supports the natural rhythms of your cycle and nervous system.

You can have incredible impact AND experience the ease you desire.

Let us teach you how.


 Does Any of this sound familiar to you?


You have started your own business, but:

+ It lacks momentum

+ You feel like you are pushing a boulder up a hill, nothing seems to be working

+ You don’t really have anyone you can talk to about the challenges you are facing


+ You have mapped out the whole idea of your business in your mind, but you feel overwhelmed by the process or what comes next


+ You long to leave the grind and be a part of something meaningful

+ You desire to leave your 9-5 and be your own boss

We are here to tell you THAT You can create the business of your dreams and feel great along the way.


This could be you…

working with hundreds, even thousands of women, deeply impacting their lives and those of the collective.

creating hundreds of hours of content that connects to your desired community, and in ways that flow easefully from your authentic experience.

Being a successful entrepreneur with multiple income streams, Making the money you desire while experiencing joy, play and flow states daily.


We have successfully scaled our businesses while also:

+ Being full-time parents

+ Spending hours outside daily

+ Resting for the first three days of our cycle

+ Travelling the world and prioritizing adventure

+ Staying connected to creativity

+ Participating in learning, staying inspired by our master teachers

+ Attaining that elusive work and LIVING balance!


Are you ready to create + Run your business With ease and the freedom you desire?


Let us Teach you how.

 our businesses are unique,
and we created them with the intention that our
nervous systems come first. After working with thousands of women, we realized we had a unique methodology
that we could share with other women longing to thrive.

Are you Ready to dive in?


After leading our own businesses for almost 10 years, we realized that it can be so easy to work non-stop. Sometimes even more so than in the daily 9-5! So, we realized quickly that we needed to learn the skill and practice of holding our bodies and cycles first. Of course the irony we discovered when we connected to EASE first was that everything flowed, our content and community connection was deeply authentic, and our marketing strategies resulted in quantum leaps.

And it wasn’t magic! There is a science and philosophy to this way of business and we are going to teach it to YOU.


Our three days together incLude

Women’s circle

We honour the flow and rhythms of life, our cycle and how we feel, in the creation and growth of our businesses. It is essential to us that we gather as women and honour that which is sacred, that which is beyond business and numbers and strategy. We come together to feel into our intentions, our purpose and what makes us feel alive.


With 12 hours of lecture, your masterful guides and facilitators will offer you mind-blowing content that is equally inspiring and pragmatic. Giving both an overview of business development and leadership, as well as the PRACTICAL support of effective social media strategy, targeted ads, marketing clarity, potent content creation, and more.


Throughout the three days, you will be invited into a somatic, or embodied, exploration of your business life. Ensuring your business momentum aligns with your purpose and intentions requires an embodied experience, a lived sense of the who and what and how of your work.


One of the biggest challenges in starting and growing a business is how isolating it can be! In this container, we offer an inspirational community forum, conversations and support for continued connection so as to fulfill our inherent need for a village. Peer mentorship, collaboration and motivation - we got you covered.


 love from our students


this course is for you if:

You desire to scale your business, or grow your following, but just don’t know where to start

You have SO MANY incredible ideas, and yet you put them all off for fear of failure, or you are suffering from imposter syndrome

You desire a community and effective mentorship to grow alongside - no more solopreneur-ing!

You desire to build momentum in your business AND have the freedom to take time off to REST whenever needed


This course isn’t for you if:

You are comfortable where you are and not ready for BIG change

You’re happy with the model you currently use to develop, grow and scale your business

Your biz is flowing and growing at an incredible pace already!

You are a business expert, with social media skills and marketing strategies up your sleeve and a max’d and relaxed lifestyle


Want success but don’t want to lose yourself along the way?

We got you.


What you will recieve


Three days of study with two masterful facilitators + thriving business owners, Mallorie and Usha

A tangible, practical, and conscious approach to social media and marketing

A community of like-minded business creators to offer ideas, support and inspiration to your journey!


personal time commitment

We will gather on Zoom for three full days from July 8-10, 2022

Call times:

Friday, July 8 ~ 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Mountain Time
Saturday, July 9 ~ 10:00 am - 4:30 pm Mountain Time
Sunday, July 10 ~ 10:00 am - 4:30 pm Mountain Time

Join us live or register to receive the recordings

*recordings will be available within 48 hours of the live call

Join us for 20 hours of study that will transform how you engage with your business, offering the skills you need to create wealth AND have more freedom + ease in your life

We will have a powerful community of women gathering together for this course, and we encourage you to continue to foster the connections you make during the course. We would be more than happy to help establish a group that can continue to support each other beyond our three days together!


 Select the plan that works for you:

Pay In Full

One-time payment


Sign me up!

Payment Plan

2 payments of


Sign me up!
Need help choosing a plan? We got you.
Contact us today and we'll get back to you asap!

A look into each module:

Module No. 1: Creating in the flow state

Your work ~ content creation, social media inspiration, copy that leads to conversion with YOUR authentic market ~ doesn’t have to be arduous. You truly can live a 4 hour work week when you’re in the flow with your inherent creative states. Aligning with your source energy BEFORE hunkering down to create is essential. In this module, Mallorie will share with you the science of flow states and quantum creation that will ensure your business and your work life are never the same!

Module No. 2: mastering your message

In the last two years, almost all businesses have made an attempt to create an online presence. The result? A saturated market.

But after this module, it won’t matter for you, because you’ll have the tools to stand out from the crowd.

Usha will guide you through how to fine-tune your listening skills to create content and strategies that speak to your audience and amplify your voice, message, and impact.

Module No. 3: Authentic content

In this module, we will discuss how to connect to who you truly are, and who you are speaking to as a target audience, so that your voice is your lead. Your information should be what’s drawing people to you, not just your image or a social media façade. It is in the connecting to your expertise and learning the skills of content facilitation that draw your community to you (rather than trying to get a following, the following comes to you!)

We will discuss quality of community connection over quantity, and how this understanding leads to higher conversion rates AND higher monetization of your skills, passions and purpose!

Module No. 4: Becoming a social media expert (and not letting it run your life)

Want to get to that place where you can take a week off from social media and your following will still grow?

In this module, Usha will share the tips and tricks to help you get there.

Learn how to automate your social media feed (yes, robots can be your friend!) and how to read the data to hone in on what’s really working so you can put down the damn phone!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Dreaming is a powerful practice! If you deeply resonate with your idea to start a business but just aren’t sure what step to take next, this is definitely the course for you! We will provide you with all the steps you will need to take to make your dream a living, breathing reality.

  • This course, and our work, is community-oriented. As feminine-based practices, we know that we evolve together, and that our nervous systems experience ease when surrounded by a village. Learning how to connect with, inspire and be inspired by, collaborate and delegate are all community-based practices that support your business growth and wellness simultaneously.

  • Oh yes! We have been there (a few times) and we know just what’s needed to breathe life into a business again. Additionally, scaling once a plateau has been hit requires marketing strategies that we will share with you!

  • Financial abundance and ease are our passion and intentions with our thriving businesses. We have been programmed to believe that these two realities live side-by-side rarely, yet we are here to tell you that it’s not only possible but certain if you follow our step-by-step guidance. Let us show you how!

Have Any Other Questions?
Contact us And we'll Be Happy To Answer.

Meet your mentor, Mallorie buoy

founder & DIRECTOR OF Homebody Healing

Mallorie (Prem) is the creator of Homebody Healing, and has seen her business shift from primarily product curation to the creation and facilitation of high-ticket certifications programs. She has been a yoga teacher, a movement facilitator, an educator, a spiritual guide, a compassionate inquiry practitioner, a foster parent, an entrepreneur, and now a Clinical Somatic Educator for over 15 years, and has formulated a path to amalgamate all of these specialities for her student base. Rather than focusing on numbers, Mallorie focuses on content, harnessing the ‘quality over quantity methodology’.

She became a single parent to two adult folks with disabilities in 2018, and quickly had to learn to lean into what was working and create from flow states as opposed to time constraints and deadlines.

As her connection to self expanded, effort and ease merged into offerings that are clear, authentic and of the most service to humanity. Utilizing daily self-inquiry and analyzing the ways in which Spiritual Laws meet and co-create with current social structures, Mallorie is passionate about weaving together the alchemical and the pragmatic, the metaphysical with social justice, and spiritual awakening with genuine support and uplifting of those living in vulnerable and marginalized circumstances.


Meet your mentor, usha anandi

founder & C0-DIRECTOR OF womben wellness

Usha is the founder of Womben Wellness, a teacher of womb work, feminine based spirituality, and lover of babies and plants.

As a full-time Mother and full-time business owner, Usha has had to up-level her awareness, productivity, and presence to be able to maintain the delicate balance of work and play.

She went from solo-preneur, writing content in the middle of the Costa Rican jungle with $300 in her bank account to Co-Directing a team of 8 to birth the vision of Womben Wellness into the world.

She has since served over 25,000 women through trainings and immersions and has over 175k+ subscribers to her newsletter and social media channels.

The journey to share your gifts with the world is often a challenging one, and Usha holds the utmost compassion for those who are considering walking this path. She is excited, open, and oh-so willing to share everything that she has learned along her journey so far.

 Select the plan that works for you:

Pay In Full

One-time payment


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Payment Plan

2 payments of


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Need help choosing a plan? We gotchu.
Contact us today and we'll get back to you asap!

Still unsure if this program is right for you?

We are here for you and happy to answer any questions you may have.